April 2, 2021
Baby Packing List
By Annie Chambers

I have a 10-month old son who has already been on 20 separate flights – all across the country. As I approached my first flight with a 9-week old I was in a sheer panic. I had a million questions, which I address in Traveling with a Baby 101. For now, let’s focus on the gear needed to make your first plane trip a success.
If you’re a great packer, this could be a fun exercise for you. For me, it was not. I am prone to forgetting the most obvious items. I couldn’t physically imagine how I was going to transport this small human through an airport — and for that matter bring all his accessories with me.
After those first few flights, and consulting with mom friends, we’ve got it down to a science. Hope this helps!
Baby Gear Essentials
Travel Strollers
I’ve traveled with my Nuna travel system, but it is quite bulky. Although when he was younger I liked having his Pipa car seat with us.
I ended up with the Summer Lite umbrella stroller when my stroller was lost by the airline. I actually loved how lightweight and easy it was to get around. There is not much storage room though. It took me a few times to figure out how to fold, honestly.
If you’re looking for the coolest, most compact stroller out there, look no further than the Doona, a carseat/stroller combo!
Babyzen Yoyo is a favorite among our friends for being compact, and lightweight, and having simple breakdown. It is airline certified as carryon size.
Baby Carriers
When he was tiny (under 15 pounds), I think until around 4-5 months I was using a sling/wrap to carry him like a cocoon. Those first trips are nerve-wracking to try to keep germy strangers way from your little one. I used the Solly Baby wrap before he wiggled. Those first few flights (ages 2-4 months), he would even fall asleep on me in the wrap. Heaven! It’s tee-shirt material, conforms to your body, and easily fits in your bag unlike carriers with straps/buckles.
Lillebaby 360
This heavy-duty carrier has six positions (front and back!) as your baby grows. It has great back support. We’ve switched our game up the past few flights (8-10 months) since he rarely sleeps in his stroller anymore, we just check the stroller and use this carrier. Another mom favorite is the Ergo Baby 360.
Slumber Pod
“It’s basically a sensory deprivation chamber” – ideal for daytime naps to block out all light and any distractions. It’s an added bonus if you’re sharing a room and need dark for the baby, but don’t want to go to bed at 7 PM.
Portable Shades
These are a compact alternative that you can add to any window.
Lotus Travel Crib
Three of our mom friends swear by the lotus travel crib. It converts to backpack for easy travel and is lightweight. I also suggest checking with your hotel or rental home before traveling as they often provide these, and you can just travel with the fitted sheet.
Portable High Chair
Great for beach or park picnics in town, and easy to pack in a suitcase for all meals while you’re away. We recently used this on a trip to Texas, and loved having him sitting beside us. Easy to clean and folds down small into a pouch.
Inflatable Footrest
We’ve not yet had the pleasure, but have heard from internationally traveling mamas that this is a must for flights of 10+ hours. Please note, this is not allowed on some airlines.
Mom Hacks
– Bring small packets of laundry detergent and Oxy-Clean. Pack half the clothes and do laundry! Oxy-clean for the blow outs.
– Dress them in snap pants. You do not want to fight to slide pants off them in a cramped airplane bathroom.
– Make sure you have a portable changing pad (for the public bathrooms).
– Pack a hand pump. I loved having a portable item that fit in my suitcase versus a big industrial machine.
– Bring ziplocks to add more ice, if the icepacks in your freezer bag (with expressed milk) don’t last
– Check out baby monitor apps versus packing your whole monitor system. It turns one phone into the camera/microphone and the other is the parent unit
– Dog pee pads or something to cover between portable changing pad and public changing station
– Clorox Wipes for the airplane seat, headrest, tray table. Trust us…
– Don’t overpack toys in your diaper bag. Seriously, ask the flight attendant for a cup, or a napkin and you’re golden