February 3, 2018

Hotel Feature: Canyon Ranch, Tuscon, AZ

By Annie Chambers

Categories: Hotel Feature, USA|

Being in nature always manages to calm me and leaves me feeling restored. When I arrived at Canyon ranch in Tuscon, AZ I immediately marveled at the landscape – palm trees, blooming cactus of every species, and a gorgeous mountain range in the distance. It was my personal oasis. 

         cactus at canyon ranch arizona

The desert feels so bare and simple. However, the history behind Canyon Ranch lands is fascinating. It was formerly inhabited by non-warring Indian tribes who met to practice different forms of healing medicine. You can feel the energy as you walk around the vast campus. 

Upon check in, the neutral tribal decor welcomes you. You’re handed a personalized schedule and given an explanation of how your stay will unfold.

You are the focus of your time on the ranch- not your spouse, not your job, not your kids.

The reminder about cell-phone free zones and the encouragement to unplug from work made me unhinged at first.  In our always-connected world we forget to unplug and focus on the simplest things like hydration, sleep, nutrition and exercise. These all became my focus for the duration of my time at the ranch. Three days later, I emerged from the Arizona desert feeling renewed and inspired.

maze at canyon ranch-wellness resort     

How it works:

Before arriving, I spoke to a team member who helped me choose my activities and spa treatments and let me know about any special events or seminars occurring during my time at the Ranch. We worked to pick the right amount of cardio, stretching, mind/body classes, and body treatments to create a perfect, customized schedule. Check out the array of offerings at Canyon Ranch.

canyon ranch grounds-wellness retreat

Why I love it:

→ Specialists : past surgeons generals and many other medical professionals have come to Canyon ranch to practice a preventative versus reactive approach to medicine and healing. You can sit down with a nutritionist, psychic, and  M.D. in the same day! Life Management Options.

→ The Food: you do not have to feel like you’re eating diet food. There are multiple dining areas all serving different food options. The cuisine changes nightly. Yes, there is desert! The even have mocktails to make you miss alcohol a little less and adapt to your healthy surroundings.

→ Sense of Place: You can enjoy the natural surroundings with daily hikes, photography classes, painting classes, or take one of the mountain bikes out to explore. Explore classes.

hiking at canyon ranch           hiking on a trial at canyon ranch in tuscon, az           cactus in arizona at canyon ranch

→ Speakers/Breakout sessions: I attended quite a few sessions, ranging from topics on nutrition, sex life, vision boards and goals. If you’re willing to push your boundaries and open your mind, you will be in for a treat here. They also have specialized weeks that focus on certain issues. 

→ Cooking Classes: I really enjoyed the classes with the chef and six months later am still making some of the recipes, and using some of the tips from the classes. I took a smoothie class and learned about completely new ingredients and the importance of every fruit and veggies I was adding into my concoctions.  

underwater treadmills at canyon ranch     pool at canyon ranch wellness resort

→ The Treatments: I tried a watsu (water therapy) treatment while here and was blown away by the variety of treatments available, such as rituals, ayurveda and restorative touch treatments.

Massage & Body Work

Skin Care

The Experiences I tried an African drumming/dancing class and was extremely out of my comfort zone, but realized I love dancing as a form of exercise and now regularly take classes at home. My friend visited the nutritionist and came home with a plan of attack to combat sugar addiction. Another friend perfected his golf stroke at the clinic. We even went for a night of Bingo and won some fun prizes and had some good laughs.


Why it works:

No matter your reason for visiting Canyon Ranch, you can achieve what you set your mind to. All the tools are here for you to succeed.

→ There’s a pillow menu and sleep specialist to help you get a much-needed night’s rest.

sleep-wellness retreat-canyon ranch

→There’s a separate section of the campus set aside for those trying to lose weight. You exercise here, take classes here, and most importantly eat up here with others trying to hit goals.

→ The food is delicious, there are options for every dietary restriction and all labeled with nutritional values.

→ The staff are so encouraging and love their jobs. From the fitness instructors to chefs, the psychics to the masseuses.

→ I can personally vouch to the feeling of relaxation and personal growth after leaving the ranch. Upon arrival at the airport, I was overwhelmed by the loud people on their cell phones and realized I’d be in an oasis away from cell phones and what a calming effect it had on me. I went home with new tools to cook healthier meals, sleep better, and achieve my goals.

      door at canyon ranch    


  • Upgrade on arrival, subject to availability

  • Your choice of one complimentary class: Life Mapping: a Training in Holistic Thinking & Problem Solving, Hands on Cooking or Sleep Enhancement

  • Early check-in/late check-out, subject to availability

Virtuoso guests staying in Tucson or Lenox on a full rate package will receive the following additional allowance to enjoy spa, sports and integrative wellness services:

  • 5 and 6 night stays receive a total additional allowance of $300
  • 7 or more nights receive a total additional allowance of $450

*Contact us for specials as they change throughout the year. We love the Canyon Ranch team and they are eager for you to experience the Ranch. Start Planning

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